10 Popular Types of Websites

types of websites

If you are thinking about creating a website -and you should think about it, to stay relevant in this day and age- there are a lot of decisions you will need to make- your domain name, a hosting provider, some basic tools to get you going, etc. And one of the most important decisions you are going to make will be the type of your website, as it will play an important role in how you present yourself/your business and how you interact with your audience. So, in this post, we listed some of the popular website types, to help you make up your mind.

Here are 10 popular types of websites:

1- Blogs

Blogs are among the most popular website types, and they have been so for quite some time now. Short for “weblog”, a blog is usually a website consisting of diary-style text entries, that is regularly -and ideally, frequently- updated with new content. It is one of the most basic types of websites, and quite likely the best for purely informational content, which is the reason why it has a very broad user base ranging from billion-dollar companies with premium services to high-school students who just want to keep an online diary. Maybe they have lost some of their spotlight due to the rise of social networks -which shortened the users’ attention span even further and made them even less likely to read huge chunks of text- but they are still quite popular, among both professionals and amateurs.

2- E-Commerce Websites

Do you have products you want to sell? And you want to sell them online? Then an e-commerce website is what you are looking for! As more and more people shop online for obvious reasons -it’s practical, there are unlimited options, and most of the time it’s much cheaper- e-commerce sites are more popular than ever today. Besides giants like Amazon and eBay, a lot of small businesses are promoting/selling their products using e-commerce websites.

Opening an online store might sound scary to inexperienced users, but today it is quite easy to do so, with ready website themes and e-commerce platforms that can be set up without any knowledge of coding.

3- Portfolio Websites

If you are a designer, software developer, ad copywriter, etc., you need to have a website that you can use to showcase your talent. And portfolio websites are the best way of doing it- they are simple, to-the-point, and most importantly, very easy to set up, especially when you consider the countless website templates out there today.

Most if not all job listings for the type of professions stated above require a portfolio today, and instead of just a document, a professional-looking portfolio site will be much more likely to impress the interviewers.

4- Educational Websites

An educational website is a website that provides educational resources, materials, and information for the purpose of learning and acquiring knowledge. This type of website is often used by students, teachers, and educators, but can also be used by anyone looking to learn about a particular subject or topic. It can feature interactive tutorials, videos, articles, quizzes, and other learning resources. Also, can be designed for a specific age group, subject, or educational level, and can be created by educators, schools, universities, or individuals with expertise in a particular field. The goal of an educational website is to make learning accessible, convenient, and engaging for users.

5- Business/Corporate Websites

A business/corporate website is designed to tell the audience about the business- not just its products and/or services, but its history, values, goals, etc. It can be thought of as the online face of a company, hence its importance. Corporate websites should have simple designs, and they should be on point all the time, to give the users as much information as possible, without asking for too much of their time and attention- none of which they have in plenty.

Today, most people use the internet to get information about different products and services they need/desire. Having a well-optimized (read about SEO here) corporate website that clearly tells your audience about your company and what you offer is a must, no matter how big your company is, or what you are selling.

6- Social Media Websites

A social media website is an online platform that allows users to connect with each other and share information, such as text, images, and videos. Social media websites typically emphasize user interaction and communication, allowing users to follow, share, like, comment, and message each other. Some popular examples of social media websites include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok. These websites can be used for personal and professional purposes, and can be used to connect with friends and family, promote businesses, or share news and information. They often have a vast and diverse user base, with users from all over the world, and they can be used on a variety of devices, including computers, smartphones, and tablets.

7- News Websites

Again, the name explains itself. News websites are all over the internet, and they can really be about anything: politics, art, movies, finance, sports, business, technology, you name it… As long as there is actual news about something, you can open a news site for those who might be interested.

There are a lot of templates for news websites, which makes it easy enough to start one. But the thing is, it is by far the one that needs the most updating- daily, if not hourly! It obviously depends on what you are reporting, but if it is anything popular enough, maintaining a proper news site is certainly no one-man job!

8- Web Forums

Online forums are websites where various people gather and discuss various stuff, depending on the theme of the forum. Some web forums serve a general-purpose, with different sections to discuss different subjects, while others have a specific theme -such as football, politics, or books- so those are the only topics allowed to be discussed. Under the watch of moderators, forum members open topics for discussion, and others join the discussion by posting entries.

Since the rise of social media, online forums have not been as popular as they used to be, but they are still a thing, especially among enthusiasts of certain topics. They are great places to find like-minded people, and can be very good sources of information- although misinformation is a real threat as well!

9- Wiki Sites

We all know -and love- Wikipedia. Although some are very critical of it, it is still a very valuable source of information on the internet, and “Wiki sites” as we call them are those that are designed based on its famous format.

These websites -just like Wikipedia itself- allow people to collaborate and produce content together, and today you can find a Wiki site about almost anything that you are interested in, with tons of valuable information.

10- Portals

Last but not least, we have the portals. Portals are usually used for internal purposes; within the network of certain institutions such as universities, big businesses, etc. Because of this, they require a log-in process, so that not everyone can reach them. And what do they include? Anything the organization sees fit to share with its members! Can be photos from events, briefings on certain jobs, company standards, etc.

Designing portals can be tricky as they usually have complex structures, but as they are used by big organizations -which means there are always IT people involved- it is not a problem.

There are also review websites, non-profit websites, informational websites, personal websites.

If you are interested in building a website, you can choose any of the options above.

What Kind of Website Should You Build?

Now that you know the different types of websites, you need to decide which one you should go for. Answering this question may not be easy, but to make it a bit easier, here are a couple of more questions you should answer:

  • Are you doing this as a hobby? Or are you looking to make money?
  • If you are looking to make money, does that mean you want to make a living from your website, or just earn a few bucks on the side? (Whatever it is, please check out our detailed article about ways of monetizing your website)
  • Do you want to promote a specific thing? Your business, a product/service, even yourself?
  • Do you think you have products/services you can sell from your website?
  • Will you be able to commit to creating regular content for your website?
  • Do you wish to form an online community?

Find your main purpose for creating a website, then it should be easier to decide. Also, don’t forget to think about combining some of the above website formats for optimal results. For example, a lot of companies -with corporate websites- also have blog sections. Brands that sell products also have an online store within their main website. This website is both an educational website and a blog. There are no limits, but remember some types of websites require more time and energy to maintain- if you have a corporate website, you don’t really need to update it every week, but if you have a blog, that’s a whole different deal. So, consider how much time and effort you can put into it, and start small if that’s what you can handle at the moment.


Obviously, if you have a business, you have to have a strong online presence. And in order to do that, you need to have a website. But even if you don’t own a business yourself, having a website is not only a great way to showcase your professional side, but it can also make up for a cool hobby too- not to mention no matter what it is about, you can always monetize your website and make a few bucks on the side. So, consider the options we have shared with you in this guide, and make your choice!